Marion Meunier has been painting since her early childhood and did not fully devote herself to it until the age of 52, after numerous trips back and forth around the art professions.
Around the age of 32, she turned towards personal development work for around twenty years, introspection work on the emotion/feeling function, on the analysis of sensations, the development of sensory potential, listening and visualization, yoga Nidra, Rebirthing, cellular memory, so many development techniques which will prove very propulsive in the execution of one’s creative work
A work of Tibetan astrology for eight years: work on the memory of lives, work on the lunar cycles which will penetrate and serve as humus for his painting
Marion Meunier was interested in the symbolic aspect, in the hidden meaning of things, of words, with a work of perception, of various positions in relation to events, to language, to images, which gives her painting such particular character
Starting from her approach she says: “I say I paint what I see” this goes from simple looking to perception. She takes this particular look on a meticulously prepared canvas, coated on several successive layers, like slices of intergenerational life, then a palette of blue or red and to finish she applies glazes of white ink; which gives a vague background on which we need to take stock. It is only after this preparation ritual that it performs a reading on the canvas in the dark, it can be done all at once or sequenced in the time,
The evolution of her work became clearer when she was able to spot fully constructed patterns on the background of her canvases, patterns that she only had to identify “a unicorn goat” this gave her the idea to refine working with funds differently to nourish this phenomenon perceived during work
His painting is the work of an initiatory process which has marked his freedom and his difference in his history
Her painting is a daily quest, an exploration of life which allows her daily to add a stone to her building, the lyricism which covers her has long been a refuge, it has become a means of expression, a force which characterizes her, a terrain and a tool for exploration, reflection, like a tarot, a mandala, it navigates in forms which range from a relatively archaic, medieval graph, crosses the 18th century and has no social and geographical boundaries.
Marion Meunier’s approach can be located between singular art and art brut, but what suits her best is the dreamlike term, which makes her a unique, original artist, pioneer of her kind, in the middle of the modern art movement